A year of adjustments: so we can define 2015 for ABRAMUS. Marked by the publication of Law No. 12.853/13, regulated by Decree 8.469/15 and by Ordinance No. 53 of the Ministry of Culture, we had to promote various institutional arrangements in order to ensure the growth of the Association. This is further enhanced by economic and country's political instability responsible for the GDP (PIB) deterioration and the rampant return of inflation.
While the scenario may sound complex, ABRAMUS ended 2015 reaping better results. We´ve picked up again the conversation with the Ministry of Culture in a series of meetings where the implementation of the Copyright Law for the digital service license was discussed, one of the foundations of modern music industry which has been growing worldwide. After all, Brazil market share is the leading global content service providers such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Napster and Deezer, which demonstrates our action potential.
ABRAMUS´ representativeness in digital music market has crossed borders. Since last May we´ve taken over the Presidency of a group of work at CISAC / BIEM, which aims to study and discuss the changes and the course of the rights protection involved in the Internet music market.
Our Authorial Rights International Department holds 78 signed contracts and our holders are represented in more than 160 territories, that means an increase of the remittance abroad. From 2011 to 2015 there was an increase of 271% in relation to the payment of repertoire to the Societies, publishers and foreign authors. On the other hand, we observed a significant increase in the amounts received due to performances of Brazilian repertoire in public venues abroad.
Furthermore, we are the best represented Brazilian society worldwide by Neighboring Rights International Department. There are 24 bilateral agreements encompassing 22 territories, now including France, through Adami Society (Société de Gestion Collective des Droits de Propriété Intellectuelle des Artistes - Interprètes). In the last three years we have had an increase of 308.97% of outbound transfers.
We know that a correct and consistent documentation makes all the difference. Currently, ABRAMUS is the association that documents most repertoires in ECAD system nationwide. The same is true in international documentation. It is the exquisite work of the Documentation Department that ensures it is possible to identify proper creators, performing the appropriate distribution of the collected rights. With the exponential growth of audiovisual works, one also believes that ABRAMUS kept its focus in 2015 on the membership of composers, especially for TV and Cinema. Not putting aside the eminent good service to our rightholders, trademark of our Artistic & Repertoire Department, we had an increase of more than 10% in the number of memberships, reaching the impressive number of 49,668 partners.
Improvements in our support tools brought significant gains, more transparency, interaction and dynamism. With the launch of ABRAMUS portal, members can analyze their repertoire, identify, request, track their payments and also check any revenues that they might have already received, simple and quick. The Society, in turn, decreased substantially e-mails exchanging, papers and sent correspondence, which reduce our operational costs.
The new relationship channel consists of one of the most important projects implemented by the IT Department last year. It has been accessed for 5,675 users per day, which means more than 10% of our total members. Another important project worth mentioning is the Music Management System, an internal tool, which has undergone several modifications and improvements. It is the technology working in constant progress to promote development.
The Theatre & Dance Department follows in order to go beyond the collection and distribution rights. Thus, we are practically an agent of authors and we always seek to disclose their works, both domestically and internationally. We currently have about 300 national authors and a huge number of international authors. Last year, we had 211 authorized works with large plays that were blockbusters.
In the visual arts, the year 2015 was marked by a large number of important exhibitions in the country with artists represented by our affiliated AUTVIS. Despite the economic crisis had affected the publishing industry, the number of licenses increased. AUTVIS Department also started the adaptation work of the company's processes to Law No. 12.853/2013 and submitted documentation for qualification required by the Ministry of Culture. In May, we attended the annual meeting of CISAC Creators, CIAGP, in which we confirm our position as the largest visual arts Society in Latin America and its place among the world's largest.
In December, ABRAMUS signed a contract with the Argentine Society of Actors – SAGAI, which will represent the beginning of an important way of managing neighboring rights of actors in Brazil. This agreement includes the payment of amounts collected in that country for more than 500 Brazilian works to ABRAMUS. Internationally, we continue a presence in the major events in the area. This means that 2016 will be a year of great challenges and achievements for the Audiovisual Department. We will consolidate the collective management in the country and make the distribution of amounts collected for rightholders, which will be a milestone for collective management.
The year of 2015 was also the year of celebration of 10 years of ABRAMUS subsidiary in Bahia. A special programming took place that date, where rights protection questions were answered. A cocktail brought together artists and offered, in a relaxing way, a closer relationship among Bahia members. We are ready for many more years!
Finally, the Members of the Council had made changes in its regulations. New elections and the new formation, elected in October, has a mandate for 2015-2017. It is formed by Dulce Quental, Max Viana, Daniel Carlomagno, Roberto Frejat, João Gonçalves (Warner Chappell), César Vieira (Duet) and Paul Rose (ABPD).
For the next year, we aim to engage in the application of the resale right, related to visual authors, providing compensation to the original rightholders upon resale of their works. In addition, we will continue with the work, improving our tools and information systems day by day, keeping the spirit of our slogan: Rights Protection Taken Seriously.
ABRAMUS, the only multi-repertoire company in Brazil. Music, Audiovisual, Visual Arts, Theatre & Dance. Detailed result 2015 is available on the following pages. We appreciate the confidence in our work and we are committed to do more and better every year. We will carry on accomplishing our destination in favor of the rights protection rightholders.
Roberto Mello
General Manager
The 2015 was a year marked by the resumption of dialogue with the ABRAMUS the Ministry of Culture (MinC). The open and friendly dialogue with the government is essential and we make sure it always happens with the objective to increase the protection of the rights holders we represent.
The Ministry of Culture held a series of meetings throughout the year with the objective to discuss the implementation of the Authors Rights Law (LDA) for the digital services licensing. Using a technical language with some controversial moments, the meetings were attended and contributions of the Association, together with other entities.
The Law 12.853/13 was finally regulated last year by the law decree 8.469/15 (http://migre.me/tyEh1), complemented on July 7 by Normative Instructions 3 and 4, and by Ordinance No. 53 of Ministry of Culture. ABRAMUS had to adapt its Statutes and submit to the Ministry of Culture several documents in order to comply with the rules and validate his habilitation.
Normative Instruction No. 3: Establishes empowerment procedures, the database and registration organization, supervision and apply sanctions for rights collection activity by collective management associations and the collecting body covered by the Law No. 9.610, of February 19, 1998.
Normative Instruction 4: Approves the Rules of Arbitration and Mediation at the Ministry of Culture in the scope of the Law No. 9,610, of February 19, 1998, and law Decree No. 8469 of 22 June 2015.
Ordinance No. 53: Create the permanent Committee for the improvement of Public Management - CPAGC, in order to promote the improvement of the collective management of Author Rights in Brazil.
The National Congress, by request of Federal Deputy Renata Abreu (PTN-SP), was created a special commission (CESP) to analyze 41 Bill of Law that pass in the House of Representatives related of Copyright under the chairmanship of Mr. Alex Sandro (PPS- PR), and as vice-president, the federal deputy, Mrs. Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ) and as rapporteur the deputy Ms. Renata Abreu own. Most of the projects aim to exempt payment of user segments to ECAD for the use of musical works and phonograms.
It is noteworthy that many of the participating members in the committee are linked to media or other user groups and, therefore, interested in minimizing their expenditure on licenses. Some joined projects have received negative opinions of the Committee on Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJC).
The CESP work continued despite the time of political instability, but the conclusion should be given only in 2016. The referrals can be tracked on this link:
Under the Ecad, participation in all general meetings and other meetings allowed the ABRAMUS collaborate with other associations that make up the Office, and advocated on behalf of the rightholders, fair criteria for collection and distribution. Our biggest concern was with Pay TV rules, which remains an object of analysis and discussion in 2016.
In addition to the associations that integrate Ecad, we kept in a constant dialogue with other associations of collective administration and sectoral groups, imbued with sense of cooperation and in order to strengthen our work.
Finally, the Members Council underwent some changes in its regulations. Before elections scenario, the new formation of the council, elected in October, now has a two-year mandate to discuss issues relevant to the members of ABRAMUS and go along the work of the Board of the Association.
Training Associates Council for the term 2015-2017:
Dulce Quental
Max Viana
Daniel Carlomagno
João Gonçalves (Warner Chappell)
César Vieira (Dueto)
Paulo Rosa (ABPD)*
*Appointed by the board
For 2016, besides to giving continuity to the work started in 2015, we intend to engage in the application of the resale right. This right caters especially to visual authors and provides for compensation to original rightholders when the resale of his work.
In 2015, ABRAMUS had a growth of 10% again, it had 5.060 new members, they totaling significant mark of 49,668 rightholders. This is the result of the great work that our Artists & Repertoire Department team performed with good service to our members. It is a constant growth, which consolidates our position among the most important Brazilian societies.
This year, our main focus was in attendance and affiliations of composers for audiovisual works, especially TV and Cinema. We had a great demand for registration cue-sheet (technical sheet) and ISRC making (International Standard Recording Code or international standardization recordings code) to attend these new members, who are seeking to get their rights performed songs in films, series, mini-series, cartoons and all kinds of performances of music in audiovisual.
The great demand for neighboring rights in audiovisual due to the changes in the rules of collective management in Brazil, since 2014, we began to consider and contemplate such rights - which did not happen in the past. We had substantial improvements in our support tools holders, such as financial information and statements of payments, as well as providing information of pending identification credits in our relationship portal; which greatly reduced the email traffic, papers and sent correspondence, factors that reduced our operating costs.
We are further enhancing our computerized tools and systems so that in 2016, the ABRAMUS can continue as absolute market leader, maintaining the spirit of our slogan: Rights Protection Taken Seriously.
The phonograms and audiovisual artistic works documental base, should be addressed that be covered all copyright holders according to their category, whether interpreters, accompanying musicians, authors, publishers or phonogram producers. And for this to happen, it is vital that the documentation of all their repertoire, whether national or international, is realized with quality and efficiency. The registration basis must identify their creators and perform consistent distribution of author rights collected.
The Documentation Department is responsible for the registration of these repertoires, and the industry with greater interaction between the other existing departments in a collecting society; especially with the Artists & Repertoire Department and the rightholders themselves, music publishers and record companies.
Always aligned with the Information Technology Department team to automate processes that allow the speed of registrations of these efficiently repertoires, the Documentation Dept. has a team of trained and qualified professionals to analyze the information received, because we are all committed to the quality of data registered. We are aware and know that a correct and consistent documentation makes it possible that ECAD performs an efficient distribution.
For the registration of works (author rights) there are different file formats, as an example the CWR, Cad Fácil and Layout ABRAMUS. Through of these types of files are sent a large amount of works and excellent data quality. For the registration of phonograms (neighboring rights) the most widely used format is called IMP file, which also enables sending larger amount of registration data.
The exponential growth of audiovisual works (films, cartoons, soap operas, mini-series), we received thousands of cue-sheets per year through AVR (international standard format), where the works of information and phonograms used in the audiovisual track they are sent together.
The team of Unclaimed Credits syncs, which performs the analysis of works, phonograms and audiovisual retained, that is, performed, but not registered yet. The documentation held important part of the credit release process, after the completion of entries is possible to release the unclaimed credits.
For 2016, the Documentation Dept. has challenger to remain innovating, improving systems and creating new resources in partnership with IT, so we can meet all ABRAMUS rightholders on their needs. In particular, anticipating the market and business needs, respecting the intellectual and creative work of our members.
Currently, ABRAMUS is the Brazilian association of collective management responsible for performing the Ecad system the records of 70% for the author rights (register database of works), 80% of neighboring rights (phonograms registration) and 36.69% of audiovisual (cue-sheets).
One of the demands of our members has been on the collection of values from public performance of the national repertoire abroad and, in 2015, we focus our efforts to improve procedures and tools in order to bring more and more effective. The results can be verified by comparing the last few years: from 2011 to 2015, an increase of 501% in the amounts received by the implementation of the national repertoire abroad.
Today, the ABRAMUS has 78 signed agreements and our rightholders are represented in more than 160 territories, which allows us to work their repertoires worldwide. At the same time, we represent many companies, publishers and international authors who have chosen to affiliate directly with ABRAMUS in Brazil. Thus, the care of the repertoire of societies, publishers and foreign authors is reflected in the steady increase in the amounts sent: 2011-2015, there was an increase of 271% in the amounts remitted abroad.
In 2015, we received R$ 6,577,542.81, an increase of 51% on the received in 2014. Check out a comparison of the last 5 years:
In 2015, we refer $ 13,511,594.65 to the companies with which we have bilateral contract, as well as publishers and foreign authors we represent here in Brazil. This meant an increase of 49% when compared to the values that we sent in 2014:
ABRAMUS always aims lead to greater transparency to members and the new portal came to take a step beyond that purpose, with greater interaction and dynamics between the rightholders and the Association. Now, ABRAMUS members can analyze their repertoire, identify, request and track the payment and also view values already received simply and quickly.
In addition to several other countries where we already had contracts such as Spain, England, Holland, Sweden, Japan, Denmark, Canada, among others, our rightholders are also well represented in France by the society Adami (Société de Gestion Collective des Droits de Propriété Intellectuelle des Artistes-Interprètes), which is now a partner of ABRAMUS. These actions, together with active participation in world organizations of musicians, performers and phonogram producers as SCAPR, FILAIE and IFPI, led to ABRAMUS and Brazil to be recognized worldwide in the management of author and neighboring rights.
In addition, we are the Brazilian society better represented worldwide. There are 24 bilateral agreements with representation in 22 territories. From the outside, we received approximately R $ 2.1 million from 9 different countries. These figures show that we are evolving. In the last three years we have had an increase of 308.97% and 2,412 shareholders received value for their songs played abroad.
ABRAMUS is constantly cited as the association documenting more repertoires in Brazil, both national and international. In 2015, we registered about 80% of phonograms in ECAD. The result of these actions is that more than R$ 14 million were sent to foreign members and societies that we hold contracts for neighboring rights.
Another important fact we should note is that, even with a turbulent year in politics and economy, in which the Brazilian currency weakened a lot, ABRAMUS grew. The Neighboring Rights International Department grew by 6% in that period. In 2016, we expect to reap even more fruits of this work, with new contracts and tools, but of course with the same commitment to honorthe artists and their works.
The music market is changing, to some extent unpredictable. We cannot compare the characteristics of the music market with what happens in any other segment. In no other segment the pillars are connected to creative whim and trendsetters do not yet exist. The music industry is hostage of technology and social changes that are often unpredictable.
In Brazil, our single market is not out of this context. The phenomena that occur here can also be identified, sometimes with different intensities, in other developing countries. Digital music is growing worldwide and 2015 was a decisive year for the consolidation of this segment as one of the pillars of modern music industry (and post piracy). It is worth noting at the outset that this segment today is one of the industry foundation, but due to the spraying of the repertoire involved, it is not the most profitable segment. There is still a long way to salaries to reach significant numbers involved, but we are light years ahead of what was practiced in the late 90s, when millions of songs driving along without control and without cost on the Internet.
Several were the factors contributed to boost this segment significantly in recent months in the Brazilian market. With new services being available, people increasingly connected to the Internet and smartphones gaining more customers, it was natural and predictable that this segment gained more and more users.
Another factor worth mentioning in this regard is the fact that mobile operators have recently changed the strategy in the Brazilian market, meeting a demand of consumers started to make available more affordable data packages, which enabled the streaming, be it music or VOD (Video on Demand) were more present in the environment "mobile".
To get an idea, unlimited data packages are not new abroad and in England, for example, you can purchase a "sim card" for mobile with unlimited data on 4G for 20 pounds. In Brazil has a big difference, but we are heading and the recent changes has demonstrated that this is the way to be follow and go.
Last year saw the launch of major new streaming services in Brazil, such as “Globo Play”. Although still not a very trendy service in the market, it was a very smart move. The largest media group in Latin America began to make its content available to subscribers through a platform for mobile devices. This shows that in addition to the traditional music services like iTunes and Spotify, more and more online services, which has embedded music is becoming more popular and fans around the world.
Related to traditional music services, there are several modalities of use, ranging from free subscriptions to paid services with possibility to download. And this range of options meets a market demand for solutions to an ever-available music, anywhere. Brazil hosts today the leading Digital Service Providers such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Napster, Deezer, among others, and this shows the interest and the potential that our market has for this segment.
For 2016, the ABRAMUS, following a demand of the market, opened a new service to its members, and provide another solution for small and medium publishers: the management of works that has been commercialized in the digital market in Brazil and worldwide.
This new service meets an old appeal of the ABRAMUS rightholders and, because of the adjustments that the market has suffered in recent months, in 2016 we can further help our members accordingly.
Another important fact, which reinforces our participation in the digital music market, is that since May 2015 we began to occupy the Presidency of a working group of CISAC / BIEM, which aims to study and discuss the changes and the direction of author rights involved in the trade of the internet music. This is now one of the most important working groups of CISAC, and in markets where digital music services have a large number of users, such as the European, this is "the subject of the moment."
2016 is designed as a year of change and ABRAMUS works to remain at the forefront of collective management in Brazil. We continue actively fighting for the author rights protection.
Over the past years, the Theatre & Dance Department has developed a working methodology based on transparency and productivity, always in a constant process of adaptation to improve the activities. As a result of these actions, we can say that currently the ABRAMUS not just working with rights collection and distribution: we are practically an agent of authors and seek always publicize their works, both domestically, and internationally. Currently, we have about 300 national authors such as Manuel Bandeira, Cecilia Meireles, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Luis Fernando Verissimo, Ariano Suassuna, Nelson Rodrigues, among other renowned.
In the year 2015, we had 211 authorized works and 150 contracts signed. This endeavor yielded a revenue of around R$ 2.2 million. We have large pieces which were blockbuster that period. In addition to the pieces of Nelson Rodrigues, who are undoubtedly our flagship, the national A "Streetcar Named Desire" ("Um Bonde Chamado Desejo") and "The Top of the Mountain" ("O Topo da Montanha") are noteworthy. Another important work assembled in Brazil was foreign "I Musicanti (Os Saltimbancos)", authored by Sergio Bardotti and Luis Enrique Bacalov, translated by Chico Buarque.
The year 2015 was marked by a large number of important exhibitions in the country with artists represented by AUTVIS like Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, Frida Kahlo, among others. The Association actively participated in the licensing of these views and this was one of the factors behind the increase in revenue of 36.35%.
Despite the economic crisis the country has affected the publishing industry, the number of licenses increased and an adaptation in the form of negotiation was needed between AUTVIS and publishers, in order to enable this production. So, we made new partnerships and strengthen existing ones. AUTVIS also started the adaptation work of the company's processes to Law No. 12,853 / 2013 and presented all the documentation for qualification from the Ministry of Culture, as well as all the Brazilian collective management societies.
In May, we participated in the annual meeting of the CISAC Creators, the CIAGP in the city of Buenos Aires, where AUTVIS confirmed its position as the largest visual arts society in Latin America and its place among the world's largest.
The year 2016 will be a year of continuous development for the modernization of operation, both to meet the new demands of the market, as to meet all the criteria of Law 12,853.
Cícero Dias and Leda Catunda
R$ 607.220,73
R$ 151.699,49
R$ 758.920,23
The work developed by ABRAMUS for this area began to be understood by the audiovisual class in 2015 and some names like Bruno Barreto, David Schurmann, Beto Brant, among others, joined the cause.
In addition, the market also began to move. Unions and societies of audiovisual class began to take an interest in collective management and initiated studies on ways to enable the collection in Brazil. Directors, writers, producers, writers and actors began to speak the same language and ABRAMUS, as the largest multi-repertoire association of Latin America, is making the dialogue with all categories and presenting the know-how of almost 35 years of work in the protection of author rights.
Internationally, we continue a presence in the major events in the area, such as the meeting of the Latin American Committee of CISAC, held in April in the city of Buenos Aires; the meeting of the Technical Committee of Societies of Dramatic Literature and Audiovisual, which took place in September in Bucharest, Romania, where ABRAMUS kept its position on the Executive Committee; and the first meeting on collective management of author rights has happened in China, Writers and Directors Worldwide, marking the strengthening of the campaign for the development of author rights in Asia Pacific.
In December, ABRAMUS negotiated and signed a contract with the Argentine Society of Actors, SAGAI, who will represent the beginning of an important way of managing the neighboring rights of actors in Brazil. This agreement will include payment to ABRAMUS values collected since 2007 in Argentina for more than 500 Brazilian works.
2016 will be a year of major challenges: we will consolidate the collective management of author rights in the country and make the distribution of amounts collected for neighboring rights members, which will be a milestone for collective management.
In order to generate content with clear information to cover the entire production chain involving author rights, in 2015 the Communication Department maintained the proposal to revitalize the image ABRAMUS, showing that "Rights Protection Taken Seriously" is not only a strong slogan but resume steady work of the Association. For this, we continue to invest in tools such as magazine, website, newsletter, mailing and social networking, to get even closer partners and members. The ABRAMUS worked intensely on the internet, events and printed materials such as the "DNA of the Author Rights" booklet. Launched last year, the publication was so well received that it became an important tool for the Association in care units throughout the year.
It was also through Communication Department that the ABRAMUS promoted special event celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Salvador unit. The program included questions on author rights information, with the presence of representatives of the Ecad, Mario Sergio Campos and Gabriel Valois, followed by a cocktail party for the guests. And it gathered important artists, providing a moment of leisure and closer ties between members.
In traditional National Festival of Music, which has presence in more than confirmed all the years of ABRAMUS, it was no different. This time, we were with a special space to receive the rightholders, answer questions and promote new affiliations - that which is already trademark of the Association participate in the annual event.
In 2015, we launched three editions of the Journal ABRAMUS, bringing the covers Anderson Freire, Mc Guime and Banda Malta, showing the diversity of musical styles among our members. The total circulation of the magazine reached 18 thousand.
The site contains ABRAMUS music news, theater, author rights, visual arts and audiovisual, in addition to the gallery of artists and information and forms for membership, registration of works and phonograms, etc.
HITS: 188.077
Social networks, Facebook and Twitter, are intensely used to disseminate important information about author rights, news and association events, and generate interaction with the public. Throughout the year, posts were held sponsored to reach a larger audience with an interest in the Association.
FACEBOOK IN 2014 7.324
FACEBOOK IN 2015 9.366
TWITTER IN 2014 5.678
TWITTER IN 2015 6.091
The ABRAMUS Newsletter is a monthly publication with the main news of the month of release, artist profile and Ecad calendar.
The Journal ABRAMUS is a publication of 6000 copies per issue. In 2015, there were three issues, with news about music, audiovisual, visual arts, theater and dance. Brings sections discography of artists and materials on the market and author rights. In addition to the printed version, is available to read on the site.
The ABRAMUS is the largest association of author rights of the country in number of members from different areas and this number is continually growing. We closed the year 2015 representing nearly 50,000 rightholders in Brazil and abroad. It is a job of great responsibility, made in a transparent and professional manner.
We are adapting constantly to provide the best service to our members in order to ensure the protection of author rights. All work is part of a chain of production, which includes the dedication of different areas. The Financial Department, in turn, is in charge of the delivery of the values generated by the public performance of musical works in Brazil and worldwide.
The challenge to always keep the payment schedule for the day, as faithfully for 12 years, the team, which is divided between the offices of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, has the constant support of the Information Technology Department, responsible for the system and processing of information.
Since September last year, we make available on the Portal ABRAMUS receipts, ECAD's statements and the summary statements of the current account of each member in order to bring greater transparency and bring more dynamism and interaction. This process also resulted in a minor traffic e-mails and other correspondence, reducing our operating costs.
The financial statement is audited by external companies, which ratifies the good work that ABRAMUS has played throughout the fiscal year. The following is the balance sheet results for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014, given that the year 2015 is open until the closing of this publication.
DECEMBER 31, 2012 - (591,594)
DECEMBER 31, 2013 - 5,187,378
DECEMBER 31, 2014 - 4,712,707
EXPENSES WITH PERSONNEL | (12.334.931) | 61,3% | (12.287.342) | 60,5% |
EXPENSES WITH OFFICES | (4.995.216) | 24,8% | (4.398.907) | 21,7% |
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES | (4.799.761) | 23,8% | (4.823.674) | 23,7% |
TAX EXPENSES | (186.412) | 0,9% | (158.907) | 0,8% |
FINANCIAL EXPENSES | (187.530) | 0,9% | (140.931) | 0,7% |
FINANCIAL INCOME | 2.376.492 | -11,8% | 1.494.069 | -7,4% |
Total | (20.127.359) | 100% | (20.315.692) | 100% |
In 2015 we launched the ABRAMUS Portal. During this period, the Information Technology Department started to adopt a new technology, JavaServer Faces (JSF). For this reason, we began to work on the relationship of the entire Portal algorithm and launched a new layout.
We achieved some very important goals with these changes, such as the adoption of a responsive interface, which allows access through different devices and resolutions without changing the display quality; the availability of online payment statements; and the use of the new application server more robust to support the growth of accesses.
In figures, our Portal, obtained:
TOTAL HITS 2.071.539
Our team also worked extensively on internal projects. The main one, the Music Management System (SGM), has undergone several modifications and improvements, which represent steady progress in its development.
The relationship with the members now covers registration and administration of contracts, representation, succession and other cases where a rightholders is related to another. Treatment of duplicate artistic works now allows the inclusion of several works together towards the automation of changes in the body of works submitted by publishers. Another important development was the release of the statement of Current Account Agencies and Foreign Companies.
Dear Sirs,
We are forwarding this report for the year 2015 and the Balance Sheet and Social the same year and their opinions of the Grant Thornton Brazil- independent auditors.
The year 2015 was marked by great economic and political instability that were responsible for the negative effects of GDP (PIB) and around the uncontrolled growth of inflation. Added to the uncertainty of the external environment, the lack of judgment of ADIs 5062 and 5065 handled in the Supreme Court and the regulation of Law 12,853 / 13 propitiated that the internal scenario passes through significant changes. Despite this scenario of uncertainty, we ended the year, once again, with the overcoming of the established goals. This fact was due primarily to the efforts of all ECAD team that pursued throughout the year, the achievement of challenging targets set by the General Assembly. In 2015, we exceeded by 5.1% the target set, raising R$ 1,026,964,439.
Throughout the year, despite the challenging goals of the previous year, we recorded a 9% growth of the collection of our organizational units, responsible for R$ 520,036,415 of the total collected, strongly impacted by the performance of motivational campaigns implemented. This result is also due to the creation of new strategies that led to the significant growth of some storage segments, which was reflected in the average emission of 89,031 billets monthly billing.
Regarding the distribution of values of author rights and neighboring rights, in 2015 presented new records. Distributed R$ 771,702,044.32, an increase of 9.90% compared to the set target. Added to this the fact that they were covered 155,399 rightholders in the various distributions of the year, meaning an increase of 10.65% compared to 2014. These results are the direct expression of the improvements implemented in the rules of distribution, such as: influence of Open TVs (Band, Globo, Record and SBT), change the Internet section of the distribution rule Simulcasting and increased TV Subscription list. It must also highlight the distributions of Rock in Rio and Vivo agreements, GVT and Algar.
In view of the efforts aimed not only to the achievement of the collection and distribution goals, but also the operating profit target, set by the General Assembly, the year 2015 was marked by operating surpluses of R$ 7,034,356.00 and final R$ 218,127.82, it is already computed by the full absorption ECAD reducing the management fee imposed by Law number 12,853 / 13. This result is reflected in the significant growth of amounts distributed to associations and rightholders, as well as the remuneration of the organization's employees who have reached the awards provided for in the collective agreement.
There were many activities and projects developed during the year 2015. The results are discussed in detail in this Annual Report, but already we emphasize the awards received throughout the year from institutes like the Great Place to Work, IT Media / IT Forum Expo, Regional Accounting Council / RJ and Abrasca, which by analyzing the performance of ECAD through its various operational areas, awarded the importance and seriousness of the innovative work of the organization.
We presented the analytical exposition of all projects and activities developed during the year, thanking the respect and trust in our work and calling attention to the commitment of the team that once again overcame challenges while maintaining the quality of work.
We are at your disposal for any further clarification.
Gloria Braga
Executive Superintendent of Ecad
R$ 411.775.388,13
R$ 470.226.912,50
R$ 804.194.836,76
R$ 902.906.548,67
R$ 771.702.044,32
1° SEMESTER R$ 355.740.374,04
2° SEMESTER R$ 415.961.670,28